Can I Make a Car Accident Claim on Behalf of My Child?

Quick answer

Yes, you may have a road accident claim if your child was injured in an accident. You will need to bring a claim on behalf of your child, as people under 18 years old cannot start court proceedings on their own.

In depth answer

Road accidents do not just affect drivers and other adults, they can also severely impact passengers and pedestrians, particularly those under the age of 18.

If your child has been injured in a road accident and suffers ongoing injuries or illnesses are a result, you may be entitled to compensation on their behalf. Children cannot bring proceedings themselves, and the court must appoint a ‘next friend’ to bring the proceedings instead. In most cases, this is a parent or relative. As a result, any damages that are awarded to the child will usually be held in trust by a government-appointed agency.

Given that children are continuing to grow both physically and mentally, it is important to investigate all their injuries in detail. As they develop, their injuries may also change in nature, entitling them to greater compensation.

Though it may be a distressing period for your family, it is vital to speak to a lawyer as soon as your child is injured. With dedicated experience in road accident claims involving children, your lawyer will guide you through the claim with speed, expertise and empathy.

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