How ‘No Win No Fee’ keeps your claim risk-free

After seeing countless Australians miss out on compensation because they couldn’t afford a lawyer, Leon Monaco introduced our No Win No Fee guarantee. This made claims completely risk-free for every client: we covered all upfront costs like medical tests and expert reports, and there was nothing to pay until we won. 25 years later, this guarantee has remained a cornerstone of our legal service. Below, Leon explains how our No Win No Fee guarantee continues to make justice accessible to every Australian.

How ‘No Win No Fee’ keeps your claim risk-free

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My name is Leon Monaco and I'm the director of Monaco Compensation Lawyers. We have decided to offer a No Win No Fee guarantee because we have found over the years that quite a large number of our clients were simply not in a position to pay legal fees, either because they have suffered an injury or loss as a result of the accident. The end result was that they were simply not able to afford a lawyer. The benefits for the client with the No Win No Fee guarantee is firstly that they carry no financial risk in the preparation and prosecution of the case. We bare all the risk. Secondly, they're not out of pocket as far as the expenses are concerned, and we have the financial muscle to fund the expenses. In the 20 years that I've been a director of this company, I'm glad to say that this policy has really worked for us because it has allowed us to offer our services to clients who otherwise would not have been able to afford a lawyer and who have valuable rights and valuable claims that are worth pursuing

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