Both dentist and hospital held responsible for poor surgery aftercare

Both dentist and hospital held responsible for poor surgery aftercare


Liam was left with a painful infection after an improper tooth extraction. He sought treatment at a hospital, but staff there failed to diagnose his condition. Eventually, his jawbone had to be replaced. By claiming against both the dentist and the hospital, we helped Liam get compensation for his lifelong care.

Our lawyers reviewed his medical history and learnt that Liam underwent radiotherapy for mouth cancer 10 years ago. This meant he would need oxygen treatment before any future tooth extractions. However, there is no record of this treatment being performed by the dentist who extracted Liam’s tooth. Records also showed that Liam did not receive follow-up care after surgery.

We then reviewed hospital records and found that Liam was sent home with antibiotics and no follow-up treatment plan. Soon after, Liam’s jawbone died and was replaced with a bone graft from his right leg. This caused severe facial scarring and deformity, and Liam had trouble walking. He could not return to his job as a mechanic and developed severe depression and PTSD.

We used our network of independent medical experts to prove that the dentist and the hospital were responsible. Our dental experts demonstrated that Liam’s tooth had been improperly extracted, while our doctors confirmed that Liam could not work. We also had a psychologist document the negative effect of depression and PTSD on Liam’s life.

In the end, we successfully argued that both the dentist and the hospital failed in their duty of care. Liam was awarded a substantial settlement of $850,000. This is a just outcome for a patient repeatedly traumatised by the medical system.

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