Hospital liable for discharging mentally ill mother into the care of 17-year-old

Hospital liable for discharging mentally ill mother into the care of 17-year-old


Ebony had a history of mental illness and had tragically attempted suicide multiple times. After an attempted valium overdose, the hospital released Ebony into the care of her 17-year-old daughter. Days later, she jumped from a balcony and crushed her vertebrae. The injuries left her paraplegic and in need of daily assistance. We proved the hospital was negligent and helped secure Ebony’s financial future.

After her first attempt, Ebony was admitted to a public hospital. The hospital made an order for Ebony’s involuntary treatment. The next day, they removed the order and Ebony was sent home to her daughter. A community nurse followed up with Ebony once a day. Shortly after, she reattempted by jumping from the balcony.

The resulting paraplegia has exacerbated her existing mental health issues. She also requires help with many aspects of day-to-day life including showering, transport and housework.

We worked with three expert psychiatrists to conclude that the hospital staff were negligent in discharging Ebony into the care of her daughter. They added that the follow-up was an inadequate response to the severity of her condition.

The hospital fought hard against the matter throughout both mediations. A resolution of $2.5 million was reached in the second mediation. This was an excellent result, especially given the complexities of the medical issues and the defence’s powerful expert evidence.

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