Justice Without the Upfront Costs: How We Handle Motor Accident Claims

Leon, who founded Monaco Solicitors and has been handling motor accident claims for over 20 years, explains that they only charge clients when they win their case. He makes sure clients understand the legal process clearly, including the fact that they can get advance payments, which not everyone knows. Leon finds it rewarding to help people get through tough times and bring some fairness back into their lives.

Justice Without the Upfront Costs: How We Handle Motor Accident Claims

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I specialize in motor accident claims, and I've been doing this work for about 20 years. I think people have a lot of preconceptions about what happens when they walk into a legal office. One of their main concerns is legal fees. That's why we offer a policy of paying for all the client's expenses and charging only even when the claim is successfully finalized. So what we try to do is we try to communicate with the client so the client understands the law pretty much as well as we do. Well, specifically, when it comes to motor accident claims, what many people don't understand, many lawyers don't understand is that the law allows an injured person to obtain what's called an advance payment. In a lot of cases, when the thing is over and when it's over in a positive way, people are very pleased. And it's not just the money, it's a sense that something has been righted. There is some fairness and some justice in the world out there. On a human level, to be able to help a person and to help a person in a very difficult situation, that's one of the reasons I'm doing what I'm doing.

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