When Greg was suspiciously excluded from his father’s will, we used medical records to secure his inheritance.

When Greg was suspiciously excluded from his father’s will, we used medical records to secure his inheritance.


Long before Greg’s father passed away, he left behind a will naming Greg as the executor and trustee of his estate. Greg was also listed as the beneficiary.

After the funeral, Greg was shocked to discover that four months before his father passed, his will was changed. Greg had been removed as the executor and beneficiary. Instead, Greg’s aunt (his father’s sister) was now the sole beneficiary.

This change was suspicious to Greg. The will had been altered when his father was in a nursing home, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Greg came to see us for advice. Our team had just 28 days to prepare and file the necessary documents for Greg’s case. We engaged a leading medical specialist to review the deceased’s medical records. He compiled a comprehensive report that confirmed Greg’s father had lacked the mental capacity to approve any estate changes, given his advanced Alzheimer’s.

We also obtained logbooks from Greg’s father’s nursing home. After reviewing these records, it became very clear that around the time the will was amended to remove Greg, the deceased’s sister had regularly visited her brother. In mediation, we successfully resolved Greg’s dispute, and he was awarded $600,000 (30% of the estate).

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